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In and around Hamburg

hvv in figures

The figures shown below are based on information from the hvv transport operators. They refer to the year 2022.

3,8 million inhabitants

HH: 1.95 Mio. / SH: 1.19 Mio / Nds.: 0.66 Mio

Bahnhof mit vorbeiziehenden Fahrzeugen

1042 million passengers


4322 vehicles and rolling stock

28 transport operators

Brüche mit Autos

approx. 10000 stations

9,693 km² hvv service area

Hamburg: 755 km² / Schleswig-Holstein: 5,094 km² / Lower Saxony: 3,844 km²

16802 km network length

€783 million passenger revenues


approx. 850 lines