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hvv Klimaticket

One ticket – two options

Whether you are always out and about or spend a lot of time at home, we have the right ticket for everyone with the two variants S (for those who travel seldom) and XL (for frequent travellers).

Our tip: It’s child’s play – you can upgrade to the XL or downgrade again to the S variant monthly. 

hvv Klima­ticket S

  • gives you three day tickets per month valid on the entire hvv network
  • is obligatory for everyone in the company
  • costs nothing for the employees

hvv Klima­ticket XL
as Deutsch­land­ticket

  • valid all over Germany
  • employees pay a share towards the ticket of max. € 34.30 (or less if the company decides to pay a higher contribution)
  • including the take-along rule

And this is how it works

  1. You will either receive an email, a message via the intranet or a notice with a QR code or a link will be posted.
  2. By scanning the QR code or clicking on the link you go to the login page of the Abo Portal.
  3. On this, set up an account with your email address and a password. After registering, you will receive a verification email which you need to confirm in order to activate your account. Very important: Your email address must be available on the smartphone you want to use for the ticket.
  4. After logging in to your account, you can order your hvv Klimaticket S. To do this, you only need to click on “Apply for Ticket” and enter your personal data. After you have checked your data and agreed to the  terms and conditions of use and the tariff provisions, you can send off the application.
  5. Your application will now be checked by your employer. That may take up to 5 working days.

  1. As soon as your application has been approved you will receive a confirmation by email.
  2. You can now redeem your day tickets in your account, one at a time. To do this, just enter the start of validity for the day you want to use the ticket. 
  3. The day ticket will be automatically issued.
  4. When you click on the ticket you will see the Aztec code. This must be shown if you are checked by a ticket inspector.  The ticket can be called up in the website display or saved to the Google or Apple wallet so that you can also access it when you are offline.

  1. To get the upgrade to the Deutschlandticket (hvv Klimaticket XL) open your Abo Portal and click on “Upgrade now”.

  2. After that, choose your start date. 

  3. Check your base data and agree to the  terms and conditions of use and the tariff provisions. To end, click on  “Apply for all-year season ticket”. 

  4. The Deutschlandticket (hvv Klima ticket XL) automatically becomes valid on the date you have chosen.

  1. Go to your profile in the Abo Portal and then click on “Administrate season tickets”.

  2. You can now cancel your Deutschlandticket (hvv Klimaticket XL) subscription as per the date you want. 

  3. You can continue to use the  Deutschlandticket (hvv Klimaticket XL) until the cancellation date is reached. 

  4. After that, you can travel again with the hvv Klimaticket S.

  1. Go to your profile in the Abo Portal and then click on “Administrate season tickets”. 

  2. If you have an active Deutschlandticket (hvv Klimaticket XL) subscription, you must cancel this as per the date you have chosen.  

  3. If you do not have an active Deutschlandticket (hvv Klimaticket XL), you can click on “Delete account”.  

  4. Two weeks after you have cancelled, your account will be deleted and you  cannot get a hvv Klimaticket any more.

If you have any further questions, we will be happy to help you with them – just phone 040/39 18 39 00 Mon-Fri from 8 am till 4 pm or send us an email.