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In and around Hamburg


Out and about by bike with hvv

Bike and public transport are a great combination.  Whether you use a Bike+Ride facility at your station, take your bike on board our services or hire a StadtRad – you can find all you need to know here.

There are bicycle stands, many of them roofed over, at almost all rapid transit and regional rail stations across the entire network (fare rings A-H) as well as at the ferry terminal in Finkenwerder. At some stations you can rent a place at a secured bicycle stand for a small fee.

The Bike+Ride facilities in Hamburg are steadily being considerably expanded. Something like a further 12,000 places for bikes are planned to be available by 2025, as well as lockable parking areas.

For a secure bike parking place within the Hamburg area, simply enquire at P+R-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH (in German). In the surrounding regions, get in touch with the relevant town or municipal council.

Please always show consideration to other passengers. It goes without saying that you can only take your bike on board if there is sufficient room available. You must hold it steady while the train is moving and be aware in the rapid transit trains what side the doors will open at the next station, so that all passengers can get on and off unobstructed.

Rapid transit trains and buses

It is permitted to take bikes on the U-, S-, A-Bahn trains and many bus lines free of charge at the following times:  

  • Mon-Fri till 6 am, from 9 am till 4 pm and from 6 pm till close of services
  • Sat, Sun, on public holidays and on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve all day up to close of services
  • During the Hamburg summer school holidays all day (only on U, S, A trains)

On the RE/RB regional trains

To take a bike on an RB/RE train in the hvv area, you will need to buy a day bicycle ticket RB/RE for 3.50 € . Then you can take your bike with you as often as you like on the RB and RE regional trains all day on the day printed on the ticket.

On the Elbe river ferries

You can take your bike on board the Elbe river ferries on hvv services free of charge without time restrictions every day.             

N.B. On the ferry from Blankenese to Cranz, the Lower Elbe Tariff applies. This means that you can take your bike on board all day, but a charge applies.

StadtRad makes you spontaneously and individually mobile. With StadtRad you can get to know Hamburg and Lüneburg in a very special way. Some 3,700 bikes and 45 cargo pedelecs are waiting for you at 301 hire stations in Hamburg and Lüneburg – 24/7!

You can find out how to register, what free apps are available, how you can hire or return bikes and what costs are involved on the StadtRAD website:
