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hvv Jobticket

The hvv Jobticket includes the hvv Deutschlandticket. hvv Jobtickets are issued via the employer and settled with your salary. For this, the employers needs to sign a contract to participate in the Corporate Client Subscription programme.

You can find all you need to know about concluding such a contract and the ticket prices at  our hvv Jobticket website.

With certain tickets or an additional ticket as a top-up to an existing season ticket you can take other persons along with you. You can see the rules in detail from the following table:

Ticket/ProductRules on taking others with you
  • hvv Jobticket Premium
  • hvv Klimaticket XL
  • hvv Deutschlandticket for apprentices/trainees
1 other person of any age and 3 children (6-14) on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays as well as on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve on the entire hvv network.
hvv Klimaticket S3 children (6-14) on the entire hvv network.
Top-up to a season ticket Weekend +1Addition to an existing season ticket for 1 month: 1 other person of any age and 3 children (6-14) on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays as well as on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve on the entire hvv network.


  • Children under the age of 6 always travel free of charge on hvv services.
  • Public holidays differ from federal state to federal state. On hvv services, the public holidays celebrated in the federal states of Hamburg, Lower Saxony and  Schleswig-Holstein apply.
  • Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve are not public holidays, but are treated on our services as if they were Saturdays.

Employers can also offer the hvv Deutschlandticket for apprentices/trainees (BonusTicket). This is a Deutschlandticket which includes the take-along option within the hvv area. With the hvv Deutschlandticket for apprentices/trainees, the employer pays a higher subsidy towards the fare money.

You can find more information on concluding a contract as well as the ticket prices on our website hvv Jobticket.

You are responsible for cancelling your private all-year season ticket. Please make sure to observe the period of notice for cancelling the ticket specified by the issuer in question.

You need to use the email address which is available on the smartphone you want to use the ticket with.  

When you click on the link to the digital hvv Jobticket, this will open as a webticket in the browser. The ticket displayed there can be saved as a bookmark (with the icon on the start screen of the smartphone). By clicking on the browser settings (Android) or the “Share” symbol  (Apple iOS) the page can be added to the start screen/home screen. It can then be quickly accessed as long as you have an active internet connection.

Example for Android

Depending on your operating system (Android or Apple iOS) or the type of storage (electronic wallet or webticket), there are a number of ways to update the ticket. 


Android users are recommended to use the Google Wallet. As soon as the Google Wallet has been uploaded to your smartphone, you can scan the QR code.  Alternatively, you can use the invitation link from your employer to store the ticket in the wallet. Then it will be automatically updated monthly.
If you use the Stocard App, you need to call up the QR code or link from your employer and save the ticket again. Important: you need to repeat this every month.

Apple iOS

Your personal settings on your iPhone might be preventing the update. In this context, you should check the flight and sleep modes and set the “Automatic updates” button in the Wallet App accordingly. You can find the option by clicking on the three-dot icon and then under “ticket details” 

A little tip: Sometimes it can help to switch the “Automatic updates” button off and the on again.


If the old (expired) ticket is still shown when you call up your ticket, the button “Back“ at the bottom at the end of the website may be able to help. The next screen should then show the current ticket, which you can then click on. It may take a moment before the new ticket is loaded.

When you open the link or scan the QR code from your employer the login page in the Abo Portal will open. By clicking here on “Password forgotten?” you can reset the old password and create a new one.  

If you lose your smartphone, the ticket can be downloaded again onto a new or alternative device by calling it up in the Abo Portal. 

You can access the Abo Portal via the link in the email confirming your subscription. Alternatively, you can scan the employer’s QR code or follow the invitation link from them. Both these options are available either from your employer or in your Intranet.   

See: “What happens if I lose my smartphone?”

Alternatively, your wallet may be synchronized in a cloud and the ticket will be transferred to the new smartphone.

  • You can cancel your hvv Jobticket yourself in the Abo Portal. The easiest way to access this is in your electronic wallet. To do this, select the item "Link to Online Ticket" in the detail view of your ticket.
  • Alternatively, you can access the Abo Portal via the invitation link//QR code which you were sent by your company for your registration.
    After logging in to the Abo Portal, click on the ticket and then scroll down to the bottom. Click on the button “Cancel ticket” there and choose the expiry date you want for your ticket.

Alternatively, speak directly to your employer or the company where you are doing your apprenticeship about cancelling your ticket.

Important to bear in mind

If you wish to cancel your subscription, please remember that you must do it at the latest by the 10th of the month in which:

  • in which your contract ends,
  • you go on parental leave,
  • you retire, 
  • the hvv Jobticket contract with your employer is cancelled.

The hvv Jobticket must also be cancelled if it is no longer possible to retain the fare money from your salary or if you are ill for so long that your salary stops being paid. 

In this case, you can buy the hvv Deutschlandticket privately.

If you leave your job in the company where you are currently working, you first of all need to cancel your ticket in the Abo Portal as well. When you start your new job, you can apply for the ticket via your new employer. For this, you need a new QR code or link from your new company. As long as you previously used your private email address for the login details (email address and password) and this is still active, you can log in to the Abo Portal with the old access data.

In that case all digital job tickets will be deactivated as per the end of the last month the contract is valid for.

If you were unable to use your hvv Jobticket because you were off sick for longer than 21 consecutive days, the fare money for that time will be refunded to you.
Just present a medical certificate proving this to the hvv Jobticket contact person in your company. Reasons for a refund are:

  • if you were confined to bed 
  • if you were hospitalized as an in-patient
  • if you were on an officially approved convalescent cure. 

Reimbursement will be made via the employer. It will be set off against the next fare money to be retained from your salary in the payroll accounts.