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hvv Deutschlandsemesterticket

  • The QR code from your university or institute of higher education will take you to RIDE – the Campus Portal for your Deutschlandsemesterticket. Look out for this on the usual info sources, e.g. notice boards, emails or the website of your university or institute of higher education.
  • You will get to your ticket via the button “to Login“ in one of the following ways:
    • either you will be redirected to the website of your university or institute of higher education, log in there with the login data of your university or institute of higher education;
    • or your eligibility for the ticket will be checked when you enter your matriculation number and your date of birth.
  • When the check has been successfully completed, you will get your Deutschlandsemesterticket directly in the RIDE Campus Portal.
  • You can go to the control view by clicking on the ticket. There, you can also drag the ticket into your smartphone wallet. You should have the “automatic update“ function activated there so that your ticket will be up to date if there is a ticket inspection.

With certain tickets or an additional ticket as a top-up to an existing season ticket you can take other persons along with you. You can see the rules in detail from the following table:

Ticket/ProductRules on taking others with you
  • hvv Jobticket Premium
  • hvv Klimaticket XL
  • hvv Deutschlandticket for apprentices/trainees
1 other person of any age and 3 children (6-14) on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays as well as on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve on the entire hvv network.
hvv Klimaticket S3 children (6-14) on the entire hvv network.
Top-up to a season ticket Weekend +1Addition to an existing season ticket for 1 month: 1 other person of any age and 3 children (6-14) on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays as well as on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve on the entire hvv network.


  • Children under the age of 6 always travel free of charge on hvv services.
  • Public holidays differ from federal state to federal state. On hvv services, the public holidays celebrated in the federal states of Hamburg, Lower Saxony and  Schleswig-Holstein apply.
  • Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve are not public holidays, but are treated on our services as if they were Saturdays.

No, the ticket is use independently of the Apps and stored in the wallet or as a webticket. You don’t need any hvv Apps for that. The Deutschlandsemesterticket cannot be stored or displayed in the hvv Apps, since the hvv Apps do not have the technical functions for the digital Deutschlandsemesterticket.

Nothing. You don’t need a meinhvv account for the Deutschlandsemesterticket. You can access the RIDE Campus Portal via the link or QR code from your university or institue of higher education. Users can access the ticket on this. 

You automatically pay for the ticket with your semester fees, providing that your university or institute of higher education offers it. 

The ticket is issued for an entire semester. You can call don the ticket at the beginning of the semester, provided that you are eligible for the Deutschlandsemesterticket and have already paid for the ticket with your semester fees.

Depending on the process your university or institute of higher education uses, you will need your uni login or your matriculation number and your date of birth.  

The Deutschlandsemesterticket, like the hvv Deutschlandticket, is personalized and is not transferable. For that reason the ticket stores data on the holder which are relevant for verification such their full name, date of birth and the period it is valid for. In some cases the matriculation number may be retrieved for verification purposes.

The reason why it says you are not eligible for the Deutschlandsemesterticket may be that you have not yet paid your semester fees (the Deutschlandsemesterticket is included in these) or the payment has not yet been received. Certain groups of persons are exempted from the obligation to purchase the ticket, such as:

  • Severely disabled persons who are entitled to free travel pursuant to SGB IX (German Social Code) and can show that they are in possession of the Supplement to the German Handicapped Pass (Beiblatt zum Schwerbehindertenausweis) with the relevant stamp.  

Others may not be eligible for one of the following reasons:

  • Guest auditors (Gasthörer) as well as cross-registered students (Zweithörer) as defined by the the Hamburgische Hochschulgesetz
  • Students enrolled in a degree course exclusively in evening classes, online or in a distance learning course without a compulsory attendance requirement (“distance learning students”)
  • Students in on-the-job degree programmes who spend the majority of their time pursuing their career rather than their studies.
  • Students who can prove that  they have taken a semester off or are doing a semester abroad and have already received an exemption.  

The ticket can be repeatedly called up using the link or QR code from your  university or institute of higher education and doing the eligibility check.

The Deutschlandticket, and that also includes the Deutschlandsemesterticket, is exclusively a digital product. Consequently, the Deutschlandsemesterticket can only be issued via the web application RIDE. In absolutely exceptional cases and in a small number of institutes of higher education, it may be possible to check individually whether an alternative ticket can be issued for a fee. The people to speak to in this context are the admin department and/or the students' union of the university in question. 

The Deutschlandsemesterticket is offered on the so-called “solidarity model” (meaning that all students pay towards financing the ticket). It is issued for one semester at a time and cannot be cancelled.  

An (electronic) wallet is a place where you store digital tickets, such as e.g.  boarding cards, tickets for local public transport or concert tickets. 

How do I install a wallet?

A wallet is pre-installed as standard on many smartphones e.g. on iPhones. For Android smartphones there are several wallet apps which can be used. We recommend the Google Wallet, which can be downloaded free of charge from the Google Play Store.

How do I call the wallet up?

Like any other app, the wallet can be found on your start screen or home screen or in the menu (App Drawer).

How does the ticket get into the wallet?

After applying for a digital hvv Jobticket, you will see the indication “Download to Apple Wallet“ or “Download to Google Wallet” underneath the valid ticket. For this, of course, you need to have a wallet installed on your phone. The import of the ticket is organized slightly differently on each wallet, so please read the individual instructions carefully. 

I already have the ticket in a wallet app for Android or as a webticket. How can I save it in the Google Wallet if I want to later?

If your ticket is already saved in the Stocard Wallet or another wallet app for Android and you want to transfer it to the Google Wallet, this  can be done by simply scanning the QR code or using the link from your employer again. The ticket will then be displayed in your browser. The button „Add to Google Wallet“ can be found at the bottom of the page.