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In and around Hamburg


Many universities and institutes of higher education in Hamburg issue the Deutschlandsemesterticket to full-time students. 

  • As soon as you have paid your semester fees, you will automatically receive your entitlement   to this ticket. 
  • It is valid for the semester indicated on the ticket.
  • You can use it to travel all over Germany as often as you like (one person 2nd Class in local and regional pubic transport).

You can check here whether your institute of higher education issues the Deutschlandsemesterticket:

The Deutschlandsemesterticket gives you the right to as many journeys as you like in fare rings A-E during the semester printed on the ticket. The area of validity can be expanded by purchasing the appropriate season ticket at one of our service centres. You can take along up to 3 children aged 6 to 14 on a SemesterTicket. Further extra benefits are not included in this ticket. Children under the age of 6 always travel free of charge on hvv services.

  • Akademie Mode & Design
  • Asklepios Medical School Hamburg
  • Brand University of Applied Sciences
  • BSP Business School Berlin Potsdam - Campus Hamburg and Berlin
  • Bucerius Law School (Hochschule für Rechtswissenschaft)
  • CBS International Business School
  • Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie Hamburg
  • Hamburger Konservatorium
  • HafenCity Universität Hamburg
  • HSBA - Hamburg School of Business Administration
  • University Fresenius Hamburg
  • University of Applied Sciences Hamburg
  • University of Fine Arts Hamburg
  • University for music and theatre
  • Iba Internationale Berufsakademie
  • International School of Management
  • Kühne Logistics University
  • Macromedia Fachhochschule Hamburg
  • Medical School Hamburg (Fachhochschule für Gesundheit und Medizin)
  • NBS Northern Business School
  • SRH Campus Hamburg
  • Technische Universität Hamburg
  • UMCH University Targu Mures Medical Campus Hamburg
  • University of Hamburg
  • University of Applied Sciences Europe GmbH

Students at the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg will receive a separate SemesterTicket.

Most of the public institutes of higher education in Schleswig-Holstein issue a SemesterTicket valid in the entire federal state to their students.

Our tip: for full-time students whose university or institute of higher education does not offer a ticket for their students or for students from outside the federal state, the hvv Deutschlandticket is an alternative.

And this is how you get the Deutschlandsemesterticket on your smartphone:

If you would like to use the Deutschlandsemesterticket from now on, follow the instructions below:  

  • The QR code from your university or institute of higher education will take you to RIDE – the Campus Portal for your Deutschlandsemesterticket. Look out for this on the usual info sources, e.g. notice boards, emails or the website of your university or institute of higher education.
  • You will get to your ticket via the button “to Login“ in one of the following ways:
    • either you will be rerouted to the website of your university or institute of higher education. Log in there with the login data of your university or institute of higher education
    • or your eligibility for the ticket will be checked when you enter your matriculation number and your date of birth.
  • When the check has been successfully completed, you will get your Deutschlandsemesterticket directly in the RIDE Campus Portal.
  • You can go to the control view by clicking on the ticket. There, you can also pull the ticket into your smartphone wallet. You should have the “automatic update“ function activated there so that your ticket will be up to date if there is a ticket inspection.  

Your next semester

If you will be continuing your studies in the next semester, just repeat this process at the beginning of the next semester. Your university or institute of higher education will make the same QR code or link available to you for each new semester.  

The rules of the game

FAQ Deutschlandsemesterticket
Upgrade to 1st class
hvv conditions of Carriage (1.40 MB)  (in German)
Data privacy statement

If you have any further questions, we will be happy to help you with them – just phone 040/39 18 39 00 Mon-Fri from 6 am till 10 pm or send us an email.