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In and around Hamburg

24-7 season tickets

Weekly and monthly season tickets

If you travel regularly with the hvv, you can save real money with the supersaver hvv Deutschlandticket as an all-year 24/7 season ticket, which is unbeatable value for money, a 24/7 monthly season ticket or a 24/7 weekly season ticket!

You want more? We offer additional options for a monthly 1st class RB/RE upgrade as well as the monthly Weekend + ticket as a top-up to your season ticket, which allows you to take other people with you at weekends.  

24/7 monthly season ticket
for entire hvv network

price per month
24/7 weekly season ticket
for entire hvv network

price per week

Season ticket
per month / per week

69.00 € 29.00 €
1st class
per journey
2.70 €

2.70 €

1st class
per month
49.00 €

49.00 €

Additional ticket
Weekend +

per month*
15.00 € 15.00 €

*Allows you to take 1 adult and 3 children (aged 6-14) along with you  on the entire hvv network on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays as well as on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve

Buy your ticket

  • You can buy weekly and monthly season tickets as well as additional tickets to season tickets via the App or in the Online Shop.
  • You can order the Deutschlandticket via the hvv switch App or online.
  • You can order your all-year school pass online. All tickets can also be bought at our service centres.
  • Weekly and monthly season tickets as well as additional tickets to season tickets can also be bought at ticket machines. 

Also good to know

Children under 6

Children under 6 always travel free of charge on hvv services!

Between 6 and 14

Chilldren over the age of 6 need a valid reduced-price single or day ticket for children or a school pass to travel on hvv services. 

15 and over

School students aged 15 and over can travel on reduced-price school passes. On top of that, they can buy further single and day tickets at the reduced children's price with the Leisure Pass.

Season tickets are not transferable.

You can buy all season tickets up to 2 months in advance at our service centres, you can even buy the all-year season ticket from the comfort of your home online (in German).

As a citizen of Hamburg, you can get a subsidy of 30,00 € per person and month towards the cost of hvv monthly and all-year season tickets as well as on the ProfiTicket from the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg with the Social Discount (in German).