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In and around Hamburg

Leisure pass for school students

Travel on the hvv at a bargain price – even after your 15th birthday

The leisure pass for all young people over 15 attending school  who don’t use hvv services for their daily journey to school, but do want to use them several times a month in their free time. With the leisure pass for just 8.30 € a month they can purchase single and day tickets at the cheaper child’s price.

N.B.: The child’s tickets for the “grownups” are only valid in combination with a leisure pass. School students can use these on weekdays from 2 pm and all day at weekends, on public holidays and in the school holidays.

Your benefits

Save money

With the leisure pass you save money on every journey you make. In the Hamburg AB fare rings, for instance, it is already worth getting the leisure pass if you make more than four single journeys a month.

Tickets and fare ringsWithout leisure pass With leisure passyou save

Single Ticket Hamburg AB

3.80 €

1.40 €

2,40 €

Day Ticket
Hamburg AB
8.80 € 2.70 €

6,10 €

Day Ticket for 5 
fare rings (e.g. fare rings A-E)
22.50 € 5.40 €

17,10 €

Save time (for parents)

No more driving your kids where they want to go! With the leisure pass they can get to their destination by themselves. Taking them to sports, music lessons or the swimming baths and picking them up again by car are a thing of the past. And you can use the time you save for yourself.

Find out what mobility really means

Just like with a school children’s season ticket, young adults gain an extra bit of freedom and independence. That means you can move around as you like in the Greater Hamburg area – and do it at a very fair price.

This is how easy it is!

  • You will need an entitlement form in order to buy a leisure pass for school students. There is usually a copy of this available in the school secretariat or alternatively in our service centres. Fill it in and get it validated by your school.
  • The entitlement form allows you to purchase the leisure pass for just 8.30 € in one of our service centres. It entitles you to travel on tickets at the child’s price for one calendar month.