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U3 closure with replacement bus service

Barmbek <> Kellinghusenstraße 27.5.-7.7.24

The U3 station Saarlandstraße is being converted for barrier-free accessibility! In order to enable the extensive work needed for this, HOCHBAHN, which is also carrying out a number of track renewal operations on this route, will have to close the U3 on that stretch for the period given above.

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Your alternative ways to get where you want to go

HOCHBAHN has arranged a replacement bus service. Journey times may as a consequence – depending on traffic conditions – take up to 20 minutes longer. 

You can see which U-Bahn-, S-Bahn- or bus lines is the best alternative for you to get to your destination from our Timetable information or the  USAR-Plan EURO 2024 (1.19 MB) .

Good to know:

  • The replacement buses will stop at Hudtwalckerstraße in addition to the normal stations. You can change to the U1 there.
  • The replacement buses will not stop directly at U3 station Sierichstraße (the stop for the replacement buses is about 400 metres away). Bus lines 25 (connecting with  U Kellinghusenstraße) and 19 (to U Alsterdorf or the city centre) run from/to U Sierichstraße.
  • If you prefer to travel along the closed stretch of track by bike, you can park your bike free of charge in the bicycle parking garage at Kellinghusenstraße and continue towards the city centre with the U3 from there.

You can find all the interesting background information (in German) about Saarlandstraße station and the construction work from HOCHBAHN.